Future Association For Development and Environment
Community Development Program
At its core, community development is about promoting the inclusion of poor, vulnerable and marginalized groups (especially youth, women, children, workers, farmers and fishermen); Strengthening social cohesion and collective action capabilities towards achieving development; And enhancing the capabilities of citizens and civil groups. This program also aims to contribute to community development and alleviate poverty in the most fragile and vulnerable areas of society. The program works to increase the access of the beneficiary groups to opportunities and their access to appropriate tools to develop the individual and society intellectually, culturally and environmentally, and to create an environment that secures Freedom, dignity, and justice. The program’s interventions also focus on building capacities and raising skills, empowering young talents, agriculture and food security, women and children’s development, developing youth through tools that are compatible with their needs, respond to their aspirations, and adopt their community initiatives that are compatible with national plans and linked to sustainable development goals. It also contributes to The program aims to place community development priorities on the decision-maker’s table in order to integrate these groups into the development process and work to support and advocate for their rights to participate in the community development process.
Humanitarian and Emergency Relief Program
Through the emergency relief projects it implements, the Future Association for Development and Environmental Protection seeks to meet the needs of Palestinian citizens who have been subjected to Israeli practices and procedures resulting from the siege imposed on the Gaza Strip, closures, successive wars, repeated incursions and attacks on people and their property in the border areas, and the accompanying destruction. To lands and agricultural facilities, as well as the damage to fishermen during the difficult conditions in the Gaza Strip. All of this and other arbitrary practices resulted in difficult living conditions that led to depriving these groups of the most basic humanitarian needs. The association works through its network of local and international relations to provide what can be provided to provide a helping hand. Support for the most affected groups, and seek to compensate for the acute shortage of basic services.
Palestinian Environmental Protection Program
The Palestinian Environmental Protection Program is considered one of the most important pillars and programs of the Association, as it aims to protect the environment, preserve its beauty and purity, educate citizens about preserving the environment, and spread this appreciation and respect as much as possible among our audiences, the target groups, and our employees in the Association. The program also seeks to reduce the bad environmental impact in all of the association’s operations and programs to the maximum possible degree and to always work to make them environmentally friendly, including protecting biodiversity and ecosystems and reducing exhaust and waste emissions to the maximum possible degree. The program also works to increase and develop environmental and development awareness among groups. Targeting all members of Palestinian society through the use of the print, audio, and visual world, and through issuing a series of bulletins, supplements, and newsletters concerned with environmental development. The program also contributes to developing development policies and encouraging decision-makers to make decisions that will protect and develop the environment in particular. The program also limits itself to defending the rights of activists and actors in the field of the environment, advocating for their issues, and raising them to a higher level to contribute to developing solutions to environmental problems, adopting their development initiatives, and achieving their aspirations. In line with national priorities and achieving sustainable development goals.
Main beneficiaries and their needs
- Development and capacity building
- Awareness and education
- Psychological and social support
- Jobs
- Small income generating projects
- Active civic and community participation
- Supportive education
- Recreational activities (child-friendly spaces)
- Psychological and social support
- Training and capacity building
- Early childhood programmes
- Working to support the relief needs of children
- Jobs
- Income-generating economic projects
- Awareness and education
- Training and capacity building
- Capacity development
- Jobs
- Enhance participation
- Legal support
- Education and awareness in the social, family and psychological fields
- Livelihood support and economic empowerment
- Social empowerment
- Income-generating economic projects
- Awareness and education
- Jobs
- Livelihood support and economic empowerment
- Legal support
- Training and capacity building
- Income-generating economic projects
- Awareness and education
- Jobs
- Livelihood support and economic empowerment
- Legal support
- Training and capacity building
- Income-generating economic projects
- Awareness and education
- Jobs
- Livelihood support and empowerment
- Economic
- Legal support
- Training and capacity building
Secondary beneficiaries and their needs
- Awareness and education, especially on issues of civic participation and social problems
- Strengthening the role of volunteer work
- Job opportunities for men, youth and women
- Strengthening the role of youth in the local community
- Compliance with laws and policies related to the association’s work
- Coordination when implementing some activities that require coordination with official authorities
- Accurate information, high credibility, and compliance with laws and legislation
- Cooperation and partnership in implementing activities/projects/programmes
- Integration in providing services, not conflict and competition
- Exchange experiences and lessons learned among themselves
- Coordination, networking and building alliances
- Efficiency and effectiveness in implementing programs and projects
- Transparency and integrity in implementing programs and projects
- Technical and financial reports reflecting the work carried out
- Punctuality and high quality of implementation
- Fixed employment contracts
- Workers’ rights according to the Palestinian Labor Law
- Building administrative and technical capabilities
- Clear and written administrative policies and regulations.
- Jobs
- Capacity building
- Promoting the idea of volunteer work in society
- Participation in community initiatives